To a radius of about 100 Low km of distance of Rubielos and in the province of River basin we can find among others the following places of inters. Rubielos Low Rubielos Low is in the subregion manchega of the conquense Manchuela; it comprises of a called municipality Pozorrubielos of Mancha. Su orografa is very diverse, crossed by different boulevards, is contiguous with ro Jcar; pine groves, cereal olive trees, almonds tree, fields, oaks, adorn their landscape. In its environs we can emphasize the Sickles of Jcar, only accessible on foot, where it is possible to see animals like halcn travelling, jabales, foxes, rabbits, perdices, etc. Poblacin goes up to around the 250 inhabitants, although it duplicates in the months of summer and sealadas dates. As far as monuments it emphasizes his finalized parochial church in 1782 in honor to San Gins, patrn of the town. It has rectangular Latin cross plant with bside, lateral chapels and enormous cpula on pechinas in which they appear fresh of the four evangelistas. In center of the situated seat the ?Roll of justice? crowned by a cross of Caravaca. In he himself humillacin was located to the criminals for pblica his. The celebrations of Rubielos in honor to San Gins are celebrated in the middle of the month of August. The celebrations in honor to Santa Brbara are celebrated them DAS 5 to the 8 of December, being traditional adems of the dance, ?puao?, celebration in which participates to all the great town with algaraba and inhibicin. We emphasized of the Town, the tranquillity of its streets, the amiability of its neighbors, the strolls by the ways, its sky, dusks, see all stars. The town counts on library, mdico, polideportivo center, infantile park, pharmacy, two stores of ?all a little? and two bars, one of them restaurant that adems has horses. For that they wish to make excursions by the zone, to less than one hour podrn to visit innumerable points of inters. Sickles of the Jcar (the Noguera and Taina of the Sickle) 8 km Throughout thousands, million aos ro Jcar has been carving the limestone of the platform of the plain of the Manchuela, to fit every deep time ms, creating spectacular landscapes where the architecture of the relief, the work of erosin of the water and the wind that discovers the layers and models to steep slopes and farallones, next to the work of the man are conjugated who takes advantage of from prehistory the rich fertile valley watered by the Jcar. The Picazo (next to ro) 4 km To 4 km of Rubielos Low, with approximately 800 inhabitants. The town est located in a deep valley in form of depresin to borders of jcar. In the strolls to borders of ro is its greater enchantment. The hortcolas product culture par excellence constitutes means of life of the neighbors of the Picazo. It is possible to approach and to directly make the purchase of the orchard. Set of Villanueva of the Rockrose 7km One of the places of ms inters urbanstico of all the region and even of the province. The central element is the Greater Seat, of great proportions and balanced as a whole, fitted well by several very attractive buildings. In one of the sides is the City council, of style Renaissance; in another one, that does ngulo with the previous one, Posada Mass, of carcter popular with rows of balconies and soportales. In the side in front of the City council is Posada Villarta, of modernist style. In the environs of the seat est the parochial church, mixes of several clsicos styles, great proportions and, without a doubt some, of ms spectacular of all the province. Dedicated to the Asuncin of the Virgin, it is acceded to her by a beautiful Renaissance cover. In its interior it has interesting and varied dotacin of chapels, emphasizing on all the great baroque altarpiece of the greater altar. Other remarkable buildings are the hermitage of Our Seora of Snows, pattern of the villa and the convent of Carmelite, founded by santa Teresa on 1580. Casasimarro 6 km Casasimarro, to 6 km of Rubielos Low, in direccin to the Stem, counts on one poblacin of 3700 inhabitants. In its trmino so much is combined the tpico landscape of River basin, with forests of pine groves, like the own one of the Manchuela, plains of routes and olive trees. In algn point of its pretty shore with green meadows of the shore of the Jcar. Its important and outstanding econmica activity ms is the one of the culture of champin. Her craftswoman of the guitar is remarkable. Fertile valley of San Benito 7 km It belongs at the end of the Picazo, it skirts ro Jcar and they wrap the chopos that grow in their border. Skipped of old houses of farming, it is a true natural park. City strength of Alarcn 33 km In the castle residi during long time the Infant Don Juan Manuel, happening soon to be the capital of the marquesado one of Villena. Of his last importance he gives to idea the fact to have had five parishes, four of which an remains still on: Santa Mara, of century XVI, with explendida clsica facade; the Santsima Trinidad, to the entrance of the town, in which it emphasizes his showy Renaissance cover; San Juan, in the Seat Greater, but sober and the discreet one of porporciones; and Santo Domingo, reconstruda recently. In the Greater seat is tambin the City council, a building also of inters. The stroll by the streets of Alarcn is stimulating: it gives the opportunity to imagine, almost in detail, like was a medieval villa. As far as the castle totally recovered, it is today a national inn of tourism. San Clemente 36 km Nobleman, seorial and elegant villa manchega, summary of espritu artstico of the Castilian Renaissance, that aqu reflej of esplndida and admirable way. The central element is the Greater Seat, dominated by bellsima is present at of the City council, a style building Renaissance, formed by two arquitectnicas structures, a horizontal and another vertical; first est integrated by one doubles galera of arcs of average point, leaned laterally the previous one raises a body of graceful proportions ended with a piramidal tower; in center of the set, impressive imperial shield. In same plaz is the parochial church, of century XV, sober lneas and proportions, with valuable altarpieces in its interior. The route by the streets of San Clemente provides the opportunity to know a autntica villa Renaissance, that could have been conserved in its fundamental part. Convents, pblicos buildings (Notara), seoriales large houses, the Old Tower, the Roman Arc? are essential elements of the urban landscape, as bridges are it tambin both on ro Rus. Sickles of the Cabriel 50 km From Minglanilla it is possible to be acceded to the natural place of Sickles of the Cabriel, a serpenteante crossed of this ro between narrow walls, rocky and zones of mediterrneo forest. With a little luck disfrutars of the fauna that populates east natural space: wild goats, real otters, guilas? And if you love an advice, it takes the old highway that borders ro from the dam to the place of the Knives, that must their name to great rocks with this form. Roman ruins of Valeria 70 km The present town of Valeria conserves urban elements of notable inters, like the old City council, the house-palace of the Dukes of Granada, the old Rectoral House and the church of the Asuncin, of romnico origin (century XIII). But, without a doubt, which contributes to Valeria a singularity very specifies is the presence, alongside same of present poblacin, of the old Hispanic-Roman city. At the deposit it is arrived on foot, by a short way. The old Valeria was located in one posicin estratgica exceptional, at the top of a protected hill of natural form by ro Shouts; a walled enclosure completed permetro of proteccin. The excavations have allowed to be locating outstanding arquitectnicos elements, as the monumental ninfeo (domstico use and source of supply of water for pblicos beams). It can be partially appraised the layout of the streets and the houses. Tambin is conserved part of one old visigtica church. Histrico set of Belmonte 83 km Without a doubt, one of the great urbansticos sets of the province of River basin. It conserves his oirginal structure partly (fragments of the wall, some access doors, streets of medieval flavor), adems of several seoriales buildings that maintain the nobility histrica that it had the villa, seat of the marquesado one of Villena. Between the numerous elements of inters, we will mention in the first place the Colegiata of San Bartolom, clay dimensions, with two esplndidas carried, a gtica and another gtico-Renaissance one; the old convent of Jesuits, century XVI; the convent of Trinitarios, elegant configuracin, although very deteriorated at the present time; the Palace of Don Juan Manuel, prcticamente in ruins; the hermitage of Santa Mara de Gracia, pattern of the villa. One stays proudly still on, although I am vacant, the Castle of greater built volume and ms powerful structure of whatever exists in the province of River basin. Su construccin fu takes and in fact his espritu is ms of residential palace that of defensive strength. Cash settlement in a hill prximo to the villa, emphasizes in l their six towers that form a artstica starred plant; in the interior there is great halls with beautiful gticas windows that allow to recreate the time of the cult and galn Renaissance in which he was construdo. River basin 92 km River basin is one of the espaolas capital pequeas, city catalogued by UNESCO like Patrimony of the Humanity, where the traditional architecture and the landscape are integrated of harmonious way; old large city and of lofty streets that the pain deserves to cross. River basin is a city-landscape framed by two great and beautiful sickles, the formed ones by the ros Jcar and Hucar. Segbriga 99 km In the trmino of Saelices, and to little distance of the Autova de Levante is ms important ibero-Roman deposit of the province of River basin. They are possible to be contemplated, already recovered, several pblicas works of importance and great beauty: the theater, the amphitheatre, the spas, etc., adems of great necrpolis. Segbriga, extended on an ample hill, is a charming place, that causes a prisoner stroll by the past of the human being. Capital of olcades, which in principle they offered resistance to Rome, soon was let colonize, entering a rpido process of romanizacin. Next to the deposit is a museum in that some pieces found in the excavations can be seen, although ms important estn exposed in the Provincial Museum, in River basin. Near Segbriga is another deposit that points indications of being equally important, the call of Pits of Bayonne, in the place of Old Villas. Ucls 109 km Ucls had a powerful and famous castle, located at the top of a hill, of which an the flanking tower is visible, a linen cloth of wall and two towers. The urban set is organized around the Greater Seat and an conserves several magnficos arquitectnicos examples, includo the City council, with porticada facade. But smbolo maximum of Ucls is the conventual house of the Order of Santiago, the monastery. Located in an exceptional place, its single presence already is magnfica. The initial convent situ in he himself castle already mentioned, but Felipe II wanted at your service to give him ms importance and impuls construccin that today we see, and that he very has two defined parts, although integrated: the convent and the church. First central patio articulates around bellsimo whose axis corresponds to a baroque magnfico algibe; claustro is of two plants, that communicate by monumental stairs. Impressive they are the two facades, Eastern of plateresco style and western, the churrigueresco one. To all it it is necessary to aadir the interior of the building, in that elements of the diverse prevailing styles coexist during the period of construccin, emphasizing the caissoned ceiling of the refectory. As far as the church, of centuries XVI and XVII, it is of a single ship, of clsicas proportions, with lateral chapels.