Udayana Kingfisher Eco Lodge

Adultos Adulto niños del al


#{ forfait.selected_ff_days } Días de Forfait

Hotel + Forfait

Precio final

Lo sentimos, este hotel no tiene habitaciones disponibles del #{querystring.check_in} al #{querystring.check_out}.

Udayana Kingfisher Eco Lodge

Kuta - Ver mapa

Servicios destacados:

  • Valoración Fabulosa (9)

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¡Destino muy solicitado!

9 alojamientos se han reservado los últimos 15 minutos en Kuta

Últimas opiniones del hotel

9 Excelente
Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Basado en 106 opiniones

Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

Silencio en la habitación

Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Mostrando 5 opiniones destacadas de 106 opiniones de Tripadvisor


margot f

Grimbergen, Belgium


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Very friendly staff”

Such a quiet lovely place so close to the airport. Nice rooms, very clean, nice swimming pool. Very friendly staff, always ready to help you out. A minus point would be that wherever you want to go from here, you'll encounter a lot of traffic jam, but maybe this is the fact all over Bali??? I don... Más



Glasgow, United Kingdom


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“First stop in Bali”

This was my first stop in Bali and I cannot recommend enough, it might be a bit out of the way but if you don't mind a bit of a walk you can make it to the beach no problem. Staff are amazing and couldn't do enough for you, organised a trip from here to Padang Padang beach and then Ulluwatu to s... Más


Marlene L

Vancouver, B.C. Canada


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“A peaceful oasis”

Quiet, with lush landscaping, beautiful pool, good wifi., nicely furnished rooms, and great staff Unfortunately, our shower didn’t work: at night it was (very) hot water only, in the morning the reverse. The food is good, but as someone pointed out, the breakfast is vastly overpriced. It’s ordina... Más


Philippe J

Brest, France


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Very good but beware of the overpriced breakfast”

Very nice people who did their best to improve our stay (driver, good restaurant and nice swimming pool). A little surprise though during the check out: the price of one breakfast is equivalent of the third of the price of a room for 2 adults and a child. Bad ending for a beautiful story.




Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Quiet relaxed stay”

The hotel arranged a pick up from the airport, which was good. The room was clean and quiet, excellent for recovering after a long flight. The staff was friendly and were able to organise local sightseeing trips and massages for us. Breakfast was amazing. The walk from the hotel to nearby places ... Más

Sobre el alojamiento

Cómo llegar

Kuta - Ver mapa

Instalaciones y servicios

#{ depositAmount } #{ depositCurrency } #{ depositType }
Forma de pago: #{ paymentMethods }
Fecha de pago: #{ depositTime }
Nº personas: #{numberOfPersons}
Planta: #{floorNumber}
Número reg. turístico:
#{ registryNumber }
Nuestros alquileres incluyen:
Gastos energéticos
Gastos de limpieza
Gastos de gestión

A tener en cuenta

Horarios de entrada y salida

Llegada fuera de horario / Recogida de llaves: #{ lateCheckin }

Número reg. turístico: #{ registryNumber }

Tasas incluidas en el precio final:
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  • Kuta
  • None - None
  • None Adulto
  • 1 Habitación